Do you like this site, or you like the stuff here and you are a Crow fan yourself, and you enjoy
writing poems, stories or drawing artwork that is Crow-related as well?
If you answered 'yes' to any of those, then you should think about adding your stuff to the
Greenspider wanted it to be printed as a book, but it never turned out that way, and most of
the finished Crowtry material was lost with his death.
Some people tried to recollect the stuff, but never got enough for actually printing it! So we still
need more contributions, and maybe, some day, there will be a Crowtry book printed!
So, are you a poet, an artist or an author yourself? Why don't you add your own stuff here?
Send your contributions, or information regarding your material to This
is the 'official' contributions address for the Crowtry, and is where the Crowtry staff will pick it
up. If you would like to speed the process up a little bit, you could send it to either Ramona at, or Ryan at with the relevant information.